Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Game Night Gone Wrong

THIS is what we end up with when I play
Scrabble with the boys

(that would be Mike, Jon & McKay)
until 2:00 am.
I'm just trying to have a nice, civilized game of Scrabble, and someone has to put the word Farts on the board.
Things went downhill from there...

Let this be a lesson people.
No Scrabble After Midnight.


Anonymous said...

Let the record show that I (Mike) did not use the word "farts" or any of the other ridiculous words on this board. (I did come up with "Anime", hovers, and quote)

Shellee Day said...

you crack me up!

Heather Hill said...

Mark (the game Nazi) would say that you guys need to check the rules to Scrable. There are lots of non words on this board. Someone could have cleaned up by challenging those. I think you are lucky that FARTS is your only crude one. Don't play with Barry if you are sensitive to that kind of stuff.