Thursday, November 13, 2008

Marilyn's Mighty 7

THIS was how our day began... sick baby, breathing treatments, lots of kleenex... cross our fingers.
So we sadly left McKay home with little Tony (Jon had left at 5:30 am for an all-day volleyball tournament) and off we went to fight
Multiple Sclerosis.

I got butterflies in my stomach as we joined the long line of cars waiting to get into the parking lot.
I was in tears before we got out of the car.
How can you NOT shed tears when this is the scene that greets you?
Thousands of people, excited to be here, passionate about this cause, walking for themselves, walking for those they love.

The girls were thrilled to be a part... they understood why we were walking (or in their case, riding for the most part) & WHO we were walking for.

Marilyn's Mighty 7 team ready to roll...
with grandma's pink leopard blankie as a reminder.
My right-hand man

16,000 (or so) steps later...
Mike does a jig as the finish line is in sight.

It was an exhilarating day.
It felt victorious.
We dedicate this victory to you, MoM.
And a HUGE Thank You HUG to all those who donated
We Love You !!!!

p.s. - Imagine our surprise when a group of storm troopers passed us by, followed by Princess Leia, Boba Fett, Queen Amidala, Obi Wan Kenobi... and many more.
May the force be with you as the Rebel Alliance fights to defeat the MS empire.

p.s.s. - THIS is my unofficial shout-out to all those PEEPS out there who want to do something good... and feel good in return (and get a free pass to the zoo... and free lunch).
The Phoenix MS Walk On The Wild Side 2009 is only 359 (or so) days away...
and i have BIG PLANS people

stay tuned

p.s.s.s. - It is still not Too Late to donate...
click here !

Excerpt from my personal page:

"Having multiple sclerosis means that you may not be able to walk when you wake up. Or that you may suddenly have impaired vision. Or that your memory will fail you for no apparent reason. The symptoms of MS are different, and devastating, for everyone - the only certainty is that it will affect yet another person every hour of every day."

My Mom Likes to Party all the Time ... (where's the licorice?)

I have struggled to put into words how I feel about this cause. My mom has been living with MS for over 35 years. She has faced her struggles head-on with a Fight, Fight, Fight attitude. She raised 7 children (and can I say my childhood was nothing less than magical), was a bishop's wife, was a ward's "mother", was a peacemaker, was a champion of all causes, great and small... and all of this while living with MS. She is my hero. She is my wonder woman. She is the most thoughtful, compassionate person I know. She is a perfect example of what I hope to be one day.

i love you mom.


Liz said...

Wow...that was wonderful! I had no idea you were even going to do that. Good job! I love a worthy cause and I know your mom is proud that you did it!

Mandy Stewart said...

How fun to d o it with your fam. I thought you did it with your siters or something. Good for you!and your cause! I can just see your mom crying as she reads your blog. Poor Tony! Glad he is better!

April said...

I think you and mom are awesome!