Sunday, March 1, 2009

Friday Flashback


Really.... who needs pants when you've got your best gal, a phone, corn nuts & 8 hours of free time.

As Molly & I were looking through old photos, we realized that there was a common theme in many of our photos.
No pants.
Don't ask why because we couldn't tell you.

Good Times!


Jennie Blaser said...

Nice pictures. We are going to have an 80s themed Elder's Quorum social soon -- you'll be able to provide us with lots of pictures I see!

If I had a choice I wouldn't wear pants either! :)

Sarah Norton said...

Why where pants when you have legs like that??! Loved the posters in the background. Dirty dancing and a half naked hottie! All your blogs about you and molly and tony and everything were so fun to read! Glad I got to know your friend! It's hard to pick a favorite but I think the one with her breathing hole in the pillows was the funniest! Go Molly!!

Venetia said...

I'm more concerned about the profusion of Patrick (Swayze).

Mandy Stewart said...

those are some sexy legs... no wonder your man married ya!