Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why I've Been Grumpy

Because I live with a two-legged,
blue-eyed wrecking ball...

and his sassy sidekicks
so you think they look innocent, eh?
see for yourself
Ok, so maybe this is only PART of the reason,
but still...
AND if you don't think I've been grumpy,
then Never Mind.


Jennie Blaser said...

So glad you are blogging about this, because guarantee you that in a few years you will miss the mess -- or so I've been told! (although I'm pretty capable of making a mess myself!)

Rydgd said...

I'm beyond ecstatic to see someone else's house look somewhat like mine.
Bless you.

Sarah Norton said...

LOVE THIS POST! So true!! BTW- You are never grumpy! (maybe Sneezy or Sleepy tho)