Thursday, January 8, 2009

Counting Kernels

It's that special time of day...
** Treat Time **
dishwasher running, baths given, lunches fed, stories read, children napping, Quiet House
So in my 7 minutes of free time I "treat myself"
Hmmmm.... what will it be today?
(you & me Liz)
Peppermint Ice Cream with chocolate milk?
Recess peanut butter anything?
no, today it will be
Cheesy Popcorn
& Diet Coke.
MMMMM good.
(7 minutes later)
Well, I have finished my post & I have finished my treat.
back to work.
Thank you for sharing treat time with me.
(and I must give a shout out to auntie "V" [Venetia] who made my kids the adored Sponge Bob Quilt behind me)


Jennie Blaser said...

sounds good! Nap times are a thing of the past for Teya now. How sad is that! The only plus is that now she goes to bed early, thus giving me quality night time!

Rydgd said...

Those glorious seven minutes. How I treasure them....

Anonymous said...

Ok, that treat bowl was WAY too small! Sandy B.

Venetia said...

cheesy popcorn and coke? brought tears to my eyes. I'm down to 2.6 minutes these days, and if I'm lucky they're in the bathroom so I don't have to have someone on my lap in there. that quilt was the first and last one I have ever made! when I'm famous, you can ebay it!