Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's Just a Flesh Wound...

Weird, but TRUE story...
not for the faint of heart...
I was wearing my one & only pair of jeans with (minimal)
BLING, if you can even call it BLING.
I had a pleasant day... nothing out of the ordinary... that is until I was getting ready for bed.
As I was getting my pajamas on, Mike says, "Beck, there is
BLOOD all over the back of your leg!"
What the...?
Yes, there was in fact BLOOD dripping down the back of my leg.
We did a bit of sleuthing & came to the bizarre conclusion that the
BLING on my jeans had STABBED me... yes you heard me, my jeans had inflicted me with a minor (or not so minor) flesh wound.
It took us about 40 min to get the bleeding controlled.

funny (weird) side note: I actually had a picture of my butt bling on the night of the "incident"... I guess I should be flattered that Mike still likes to take pictures of my butt after 18 years.
so romantic.

I decided to snap a few photos.
just in case you didn't believe me.

What's the old saying,
"beauty is pain" or "pain is beauty" ??
either way, I wholeheartedly agree.


Sarah Norton said...

I bet mike had fun applying pressure to THAT flesh wound!! Sorry about the butt but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! See you soon! :) Hopefully you don't get too much bling for your b-day- you can't be trusted!

Mandy Stewart said...

Happy Birthday Beckie... Wish I could have been at breakfast.

ouch! I hope it wasn't painful. Glad you didn't have to go to the Dr. That would have been a fun