Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday Flashback

August 2005
" The Mother of all Monsoons"
Every year in Arizona we get monsoon season. Some merely come & fizzle, while others nearly blow us off the face of the map. August of 2005 was a particularly fierce monsoon season.
We loved every minute of it.
Jon, McKay & Chet decided to go swimming during the downpour.

When the raindrops began to feel more like a hail of bullets, the boys decided to take cover in our deck box.

Our street became a raging river so they grabbed some swim tubes & rode the rapids down our street & into the park at the end of our cul-de-sac, which was now a rain-filled lake.

And, yes, there were actually kids from our neighborhood canoeing in the park.

COOL!!! The boys came home soaking wet & exhilarated, and thankfully their post-rainwater-swimming rash only lasted a couple of days.

A good time was had by all.

1 comment:

Rydgd said...

Wow! That's amazing to see the old HOOD all under water! Good times!