Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Have you Met Murphy ?

Well, one Saturday in June Mike said to me, "hey, let's go to the pound & get a dog". Seriously? I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that, but... seriously?

So off we went. I do not enjoy the pound. It is a sad, stinky place full of sad, stinky animals. As we made our way down the isles... dogs were going crazy everywhere. Barking, jumping, lunging. Then we came to one kennel (I use that word loosely) & There He Was. There was nothing crazy about him. Just quietly sticking his nose through the cage and looking at us with those eyes. We both knew.

We took him outside for some bonding (see if we like him) time and we both knew. I could hardly let him touch me as he was SO DIRTY, matted and yes, stinky. And I immediately sanitized afterward.

We told them we wanted to adopt this dog, and after waiting for him to be neutered, Mike picked him up on Monday. Mike walked in the house Monday night carrying the dog, crazy excitement ensued, followed by an FHE entitled, "let's name the dog". We all agreed on Murphy and the rest of the evening was filled with a steady stream of teenagers coming to see our new addition.

Murphy making himself at home...

Finding a warm place to nap...

Watching over his sisters...

What a great night... and now, 3 months later, What a GREAT DOG !!!
(and, you'll be glad to know that our once malnourished 6 lb dog has now topped 8.2 lbs ~ yeah!!!)

We love you Murphy !

1 comment:

Sarah Norton said...

Those pictures are so ugly and stinky and then cute and darling! Aren't dogs the best? I especially love the picture of Val and Murphy snoozing! I've got to get one like that of my kids, and I have to start changing the color and size and style of my fonts in the stories like you are. What a good example you are to me!!