Monday, January 10, 2011


So, I sat down to share a few 
funny moments...
hilarious anecdotes...
endearing pictures...
I opened up my December 2010 photos, 
and I found this...

 And this...

 And this...


 And of course this...

And I sighed.
Oh December.
How you kicked my butt.
See... a few months ago I opened up an  
Etsy Shop 
Things were slow 
(and not even steady)
I sent Stephanie Nielson one of my mobiles 
in hopes that it would be featured on her blog during
Homemade Christmas week.
I was completely freaking out when I 
opened up her blog on 
December 14th 
(Day 2 of Homemade Christmas week)
my mobile 
palpitations...breathe in...breathe out... 
still palpitations.

Things got C.R.A.Z.Y.

I think I forgot to eat over 
the following 2 weeks.
What a ride.
I am so grateful to Nie Nie 
for the boost she gave my lil' ole shop.
I knew she was one cool chick, 
but this just well... 
you know.

But... I was feeling kinda bummed. 
Thinking that the Christmas holly jolly had all passed me by.
Then I found these little gems...

And I remembered why I do it.

1 comment:

Becca and Greg said...

I was checking my Reading List and when I saw this post I was thinking, "Beckie?!? Beckie posted?!? Amazing!" And it was amazing! Congrats on the etsy shop! We always knew you were talented and AMAZING!