Monday, June 8, 2009

A Simple "Thank You" Would Have Sufficed

So as any good (bad) wife would do,
I was helping Mike blow/suck all of the leaves & flowers
out of the rocks & pool area.
(ok... confession)
I have become obsessed with Mike's latest birthday gift.
The Toro Ultra Blower/Vac...It's truly a thing o' beauty...
(thanks Robin for coming to our aid with yours & introducing me to a whole new world of enjoyment)
And just as we had blown up all of the flowers,
before the sucking phase,
Mr. Funny Guy pushed me into the pool.
Fully clothed.
Fully shoed.
Sunglasses on.
Covered in oleander flowers,
which then stuck to my skin & clothing...

This has become a yearly tradition...
much to the glee of our children.

I don't even want to know
how he will up the ante
next year.

(gotta keep those ratings up after all)


Rydgd said...

hahahaha! Love that mike of yours! And dearly miss the home teaching/Ice cream drop offs.

Sarah Norton said...

There is NOTHING more fun than pushing someone into a pool! It's just a fact of nature! One Sunday, Rustin, Olivia and Chloe were all leaning over the edge of the pool in their church clothes. I couldn't resist! So I pushed them all in!!! They got me too, Russ joined us and we swam on Sunday!! Oops. It's only OK if your wearing your church clothes!

Erin said...

what a fun hubby to always keep you on your toes ;)