Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Have You Ever?

Have You Ever...
...BECOME so overcome with love for your children that you had to wrestle them down on the carpet and smother them with kisses?
...FELT so much joy at being with your children that you had to do an impromptu conga line with them?
...WANTED to nibble on some chubby cheeks rather than eat dinner? (definitely more satisfying)
...WISHED that you had no responsibilities & instead could spend an entire week (month, year?) partying with your peeps?
...BELIEVED your heart may burst from the sweet nothings they whisper in your ear?
...TRIED to put into words the immense love and gratitude you feel for a mother such as this?

Thank you, Thank you MOM.
for giving me
the greatest gift of all.

the absolute, unchanging

of motherhood.

after all, motherhood
a party...

if you make it.


Rydgd said...

Sweet, sweet tribute. Hopin' some of that mama joy will rub off on me =) I have to admit, tho, there's nothing better.

Sarah Norton said...

Very well put Beckie! You are an AWESOME mamacita!